Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Cancom is "low margin" HOH new online business update

€ 3,000,000 for all actions in the home retailer Cancom AG Online HOH Hardware GmbH has sold, how the company, on an ad-hoc release announced. The provision of IT services at the request would "profitable B2B business focus" back to the future and aims to create a means to achieve an EBITDA margin of 5 percent. Cancom had the e-tailer HOH 2008, approved by a majority of the capital, which increased in 2009 to 100 percent. The purchase of the online store was part of the strategy of President Klaus Weinmann strategy to increase business Internet Cancom on the other hand, the company's path to take until the year 2012, the turnover threshold of € 1 billion.
Unlike previous years, acquisitions for growth purposes - including, for example, SYSDATE Cologne Association of IT solutions, Plaut Bürotex and Systems & Solutions - tailored to the acquisition of HOH consumer-oriented businesses did not fit the traditional character of Business customers more History of Cancom AG. In the last fiscal year contributed to the online store in as many as 61 million to consolidated revenues of € 550 million. The ambitious sales target for 2012 would be almost impossible to create - a doubling in two years, possibly imagine would be through massive acquisitions. Weinmann CEO system focuses on the house under his strongest and most profitable high-growth business areas such as cloud computing.
[Update] yet unconfirmed rumor is traded in Frankfurt on the Oder-based HTM Ltd. as HOH homebuyer hardware. HTM is getgoods.de online store including sales of IT and telecommunications access. Following the decision of the shareholders of DÜBAG Holdings AG Düsseldorf, June 24, 2011 and will continue DÜBAG HTM Ltd. trends operate practical + More getgoods.de AG. HTM was last recorded significant growth in electronic commerce. The company said that in the first quarter of 2011 have reached a turnover of 59 million euros, more than 200 percent during the same period of 2010th EBIT was also able to increase the HTM extensions similar to about € 990 000. [/ Update] (map)

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